Providing International Legal Solutions for Over 30 Years and Countries Across the Globe
Inter-American Convention
Like the Hague Service Convention, the Inter-American Convention is a federal treaty between the United States and members of the Organization of American States (North and South America only). Although synonymous to “letters rogatory” in most South American countries, this Convention provides standardized procedures and documentation and circumvents the need for the diplomatic intervention (and cost) that is required for standard letters rogatory.
Service of documents through the Inter-American Convention is the formal method of service between signatory countries and is often required if enforcement is needed in a foreign country that is signatory to this Convention.
This method of service requires mandatory use of a seven page form created specifically for this Convention. These forms must be signed by a judge in the appropriate U.S. forum court. This method also requires translation of all documents being served and the Convention form itself.
Crowe Foreign Services is experienced in properly preparing these forms, providing support and facilitating service in the applicable foreign country.
We prepare the Convention form for you. You obtain the forum court judge’s signature
We provide, at no extra cost, affidavits to support your request for judge’s signature (if requested), to inform the forum court that the service in progress, and any other support requested

733 SW Vista Ave. | Portland, Oregon 97205
PH (503) 222-3085 | Free Consultation (800) 365-6945