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Crowe Foreign Services provides all forms of legal and litigation support services. We serve all legal documents including subpoenas (when appropriate and not requiring compulsion), as well as provide any other supporting service required, such as locating a defendant for service, having a document authenticated, language translation, corporate investigations, acquisition of evidence, etc.

International Service Is All We Do

Among the few companies who claim to serve process and provide legal support services internationally, Crowe Foreign Services is unique in that it is the only U.S. company focusing entirely on legal support services abroad.
Legal Service Around The Globe

Crowe Foreign Services has the knowledge, experience and international relationships to serve process, arrange depositions, provide translations, assist in obtaining evidence and facilitate investigations in nearly every country of the world. We perform these services on a daily basis.

Know Your Options And Requirements


Knowing how to legally effect service in a foreign country is the critical first step and service procedures should be started as soon as a foreign defendant has been identified.

Many legal professionals are aware of the Hague Service Convention. However, they mistakenly refer to it as the “Hague Convention” without knowing that there are at least 39 different “Hague Conventions” and each “Convention” was created for one specific issue, such as service, evidence, document authentication, etc. It is wise to understand the differences between these Conventions and when/which one is warranted in a particular situation.

If enforcement of a U.S. judgment or order IN THE FOREIGN COUNTRY is anticipated, initial (and often subsequent) service is critical. If service is found to be defective under the laws of the foreign country, it usually cannot be corrected and would affect subsequent enforcement.

There is more than one way to effect process service. Every country, as well as each of our states, has its own legal requirements for the service of process. Some countries also have laws prohibiting private process service.

Choosing the right method of service requires knowing what will affect the validity of your service.  For example, the United States Supremacy Clause can override state statutes for service if a federal treaty is in force, such as the Hague Service Convention.  Therefore, even if the applicable U.S. state statutes do not require use of the Hague Service Convention, service in many countries could be quashed if outside the protocols of the Hague Service Convention.

We can assist you in making the best choices for your clients and avoid the disastrous consequences of invalid service in a foreign country.

Fees required in advance and subject to change.




733 SW Vista Ave. | Portland, Oregon 97205
PH (503) 222-3085 | Free Consultation (800) 365-6945


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